Brief & Outline

Enter Your Keyword 

First, enter a keyword that you want to rank for. This will be your article's topic. It's possible to change the Region to a different Data Center. 


There are 3 buttons available:

  • Send to Editor - This will send your Outline to the Editor Tool for further writing. 
  • Clear - Will erase the search
  • Load - Opens the history and lets you resume a previous outline. 

Search Landscape

The Search Landscape pulls text from the top competitors ranking for that keyword. The sections will be organized by title, description and headlines. Clicking the arrow will expand the text in that section. Clicking the + will add the section to the brief. 


This options displays a large selection of questions gathered from sites like Google and Reddit. Clicking the arrow will expand the text in that section. Clicking the will add the section to the brief. 


The last option displays and highlights all the statistics detected. Clicking the arrow will expand the text in that section. Clicking the will add the section to the brief. 

Text Editor

This section allows you to create and edit a brief, it allows text from the suggestions displayed on the left or the writer's own text. This will be auto-saved, click on the Load button to access the history section. 

It is recommended to use the Send to Editor button after a brief is completed for further writing.